Breastfeeding tips for mums

by Media Xpose

By Dr Chanell Marthinussen, Innohealth Clinics

“Breast is best” has always been said but is not always suitable or possible for everyone’s circumstances. Not all moms can breastfeed, and it is not as natural a process as people make it out to be.

With this said, we would always encourage it as far as possible. Here are some helpful breastfeeding tips either to mentally prepare for, or use if you are a breastfeeding mom:

Get comfortable
Find a comfortable position for both you and your baby. Use pillows for support if needed.

Skin-to-skin contact
Spend time holding your baby skin-to skin to promote bonding and stimulate breastfeeding.

Latch properly
Ensure your baby has a good latch to prevent discomfort and ensure effective feeding. Their mouth should cover both the nipple and part of the areola.

Feed on demand
Watch for your baby’s hunger cues and feed when they show signs of hunger, rather than sticking to a strict schedule.

Stay hydrated and nourished
Drink plenty of water and eat nutritious foods to maintain your energy and milk supply.

Practice patience
Breastfeeding can take time to master for both you and your baby. Be patient and give yourselves grace.

Seek support
Don’t hesitate to reach out for help from lactation consultants, support groups, or experienced friends and family.

Use proper breast care
Keep your nipples clean and dry. If you experience soreness, consult a professional for advice on treatment. Do not wait for cracked nipples and painful feeding before reaching out.

Learn about positions
Try different breastfeeding positions and use what works for you, like the cradle hold, football hold, or side-lying position, to find what works best.

Avoid bottles initially
If possible, wait a few weeks before introducing bottles to encourage a strong breastfeeding routine.

Watch for milk supply issues
If you notice signs like insufficient wet diapers or prolonged feeding, consult a healthcare professional.

Trust your body
Your body is designed to produce milk for your baby. Trust the process and give yourself time to adjust.

Consider pumping
If you need to return to work or want to have someone else feed the baby, consider pumping to maintain your milk

Be kind to yourself
Remember that every breastfeeding journey is unique. Focus on what works for you and your baby.

Stay informed
Educate yourself about breastfeeding through books, workshops, or reputable online resources.

Breastfeeding can be a rewarding experience, and with the right support and information, it can also be manageable and enjoyable.

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