Understanding Immune Changes as We Age

by Tia

The old adage “With age comes wisdom” holds true, but it’s also worth noting that ageing can affect our immune system, influencing our health1a. When your immune defences are challenged, leading to pain and fever from infections, Panado® is there to offer relief.

How the Ageing Process can Affect the Immune System

The immune system is our body’s primary defence against infections, working diligently to protect us from harmful invaders like viruses and bacteria.1b As we age, certain elements of this defence mechanism begin to slow down, potentially making us more susceptible to illnesses.1a

This weakening of the immune response means that seniors may not only catch infections more easily2a but might also experience more complications and serious long-term health complications.2b

Starting in our 20s, our immune system gradually weakens, a process called immunosenescence. By age 50, we’re more prone to infections and their severe effects.2a  This weakening also means that common infectious diseases can have more serious consequences as we age.2b

Signs of Age-related Pain

While we can’t halt the ageing clock, knowing the signs and symptoms of pain and fever in the elderly can help us navigate its challenges more successfully, ensuring our senior loved ones remain healthy, comfortable, and well-cared for.

For seniors, a fever may be the first sign that something is wrong.3a

To check a senior’s temperature, use a digital thermometer in the mouth or under the arm.3b If it seems off, take several readings over the course of 15 minutes to get a consistent reading.3c

Keep in mind that seniors usually have cooler body temperatures, so know what’s normal for them.3d

The Power to fight Pain.

Panado® works fast7 and offers relief of pain and fever. It is conveniently available in tablet4 and capsulesor effervescentform, for those who find it more difficult to swallow.

Panado® is trusted9 for pain relief when you need it most and products are available from Baby City, Pick n Pay, Checkers, including Hypers, Shoprite, Clicks, Dis-Chem, and Independent Pharmacies. For more information, visit visit https://panado.co.za/ and join the conversations onFacebook.


  1. Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. Nutrition and immunity. Available from https://www.hsph.harvard.edu/nutritionsource/nutrition-and-immunity/. Last accessed August 2023
  2. GSL. Age-related decline in immunity: why does it matter and what can be done about it? Available from https://www.gsk.com/en-gb/behind-the-science-magazine/age-related-decline-immunity-infectious-disease/. Last accessed August 2023.
  3. Belvedere Home Care. Senior fever: when to be concerned about a fever. Available from https://belvederehealthservices.com/belvedere-home-care/blog/senior-fever-when-be-concerned-about-fever. Last accessed August 2023.
  4. Panado® Tablets approved professional information, July 2016.
  5. Panado® Capsules approved professional information, August 1984.
  6. Panado® Effervescent (Tablet) approved professional information, July 2016.
  7. Rygnestad T, Zahlsen K, Samdal FA. Absorption of effervescent paracetamol tablets relative to ordinary paracetamol tablets in healthy volunteers. Eur J Clin Pharmacol (2000) 56: 141-143.
  8. Circana, MT,  January 2024 MAT.

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