Beating Burnout and the healing benefits of arts and crafts

By Camilla Hyson, founder of Scribble and Scratch

by Tia

The word burnout and anxiety is thrown around far too often in modern day conversations. These conversations are held by professionals, parents, students- anyone trying to keep up with the demands of today. And many of us are looking for a life line or some relief.

What is burnout? In simple terms it’s emotional exhaustion, reduced performance and a sense of detachment. After being a serial entrepreneur for 10 years & raising 2 small kids it’s not surprising that I found myself in this group of the population and experiencing these symptoms. This encouraged me to find some healthy habits and new routines. One habit that has stuck throughout the months is art and crafts- a creative outlet.

The term art therapy was coined in 1942 by British artist, Adrian Hill. Art therapy is based on the idea that creative expression can foster healing and mental wellness in children and adults. So what does that healing look like:

1. Stress relief- the repetitive motion of a craft like knitting or embroidery can be very calming.
2. Emotional expression and processing- This is a safe space for you to put your feelings into a physical piece that you are creating.
3. Mindfulness- the state of being seated, with little distraction and one simple task to complete encourages this mindfulness. The world quietens down and it’s you and your craft.
4. Confidence boost- that feeling of learning a new skill and finishing a project is a great confidence boost.
5. Cognitive development- your brain is challenged to think creatively, differently & solve problems
6. Personal empowerment
7. Distraction- arts and crafts can serve as a healthy distraction from pain & anxiety. As always, balance in this is key.
8. Fun- This is the most important part of crafting. Take a moment out of your busy schedule and do something that’s different from your usual routine.

Arts and crafts aren’t just for kids. They are quickly making a comeback for adults. And if you don’t have arts & crafts videos coming up in your social feeds, you are missing out! Here are some great ideas for therapeutic arts and crafts:

1. Painting- watercolour painting requires very little setup, tools and it doesn’t make a mess. To watch colours swirl together to create new worlds is mesmerising.
2. Colouring in- This is becoming hugely popular. Take a colouring in book, coloured pens and pop them in your bag ready to take out whenever you have a spare few minutes.
3. Knitting & crocheting- before you judge the grannies, studies have shown to lower heart and blood pressure.
4. Diamond dotting- this is a great craft that you can do with friends or on your own. Diamond dotting is especially ideal to enhance fine motor skills- yes, even at our age we need to practise this.
5. Embroidery- there’s a new term for slow stitching, it’s called soul stitching. And that’s exactly what it is. Piecing back your soul, stitch by stitch.
6. Origami- this is accessible and affordable. It’s also a great way to recycle paper. The added benefit is that you can include the entire family into this and next thing you know- you have yourself a wild Friday night with paper jets and birds flying around the house.

These arts and crafts are not a huge commitment- a few minutes a day and you will already reap the rewards. You also don’t need a massive financial commitment to get started.

Arts and crafts can be enjoyed and experienced by anyone. These arts and crafts are easy to get started on, Pinterest and Youtube are flooded with beginner videos. And the relaxation starts by just watching stitch by stitch as an artwork is created.

To get your creative juices flowing, head over to our templates and tutorials. Get those fingers working, enjoy the slow breaths and feel the relaxation. You’ve got this.

Burnout is a serious condition that has many negative effects on your life and those around you. This piece is not medical advice and you should always see a professional medical practitioner.

To help you get started, here are some resources for you to be inspired by:

1. Watercolour painting
2. Crocheting
3. Arts and crafts supplies
4. Diamond Dotting

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