In celebration of those who will play pivotal roles in shaping the future of healthcare in the province and the country, Netcare Education’s Eastern Cape campus last week proudly acknowledged the achievements of close to 50 nursing graduates entering the profession.
“A graduation is always a proud moment – perhaps all the more so when this goal is achieved in the face of adversity, as is the case for those healthcare professionals whose commitment to care and excellence motivates them to overcome numerous hurdles in completing their studies,” says Ronell de Jager, Netcare Education’s Eastern Cape campus manager
According to De Jager this was most certainly the case for Odele Lucille Booysen, whose journey began as an enrolled nursing assistant at Netcare Cuyler Hospital in 2011, where her passion and interpersonal skills made a positive impact on all those around her.
“In the years that followed, Odele’s dreams to further her studies were delayed by numerous factors, most recently the COVID-19 pandemic where she continued to make a difference in the hospital’s maternity ward. Completing her studies while caring for her family was no easy task, but Odele never gave up on her dream, and we are delighted that she has at last managed to complete her training in 2023,” says de Jager.
Odele achieved an overall mark of 82%, the highest overall clinical and theoretical mark for all formative and summative assessments, and was awarded the Gold Medal at her campus graduation. She was also awarded the Netcare Cuyler Hospital Award for demonstrating the most professional growth for the duration of a programme.
Other special prize winners at the ceremony included Michaela Blignaut, who won the Batho Pele Netcare Education Award for the perseverance, responsibility, resourcefulness, courtesy and self-discipline she demonstrated throughout her educational journey and in her time placed at a public hospital for work integrated learning.
Michaela and her colleague Dominique Fourie also received the bronze medal for obtaining an overall average of 74%.
“We were also most pleased to present the Campus Manager’s Award to Cleaven Hillier, who epitomises the Netcare core values in both the hospital and campus environments. As chairperson of the student representative council, Cleaven always has the best interests of his fellow students at heart, promoting dignity and leading by example. He acts with compassion and is a champion of the truth,” said De Jager.
Toy Vermaak, manager: Faculty of Nursing and Ancillary Healthcare (FNAH) at Netcare Education congratulated the graduates on their achievements, while thanking the academic and administrative staff and management, hospital based academic staff, hospital management and nursing staff.
In particular Vermaak noted the Netcare Education Academic Recognition Award for Theoretical Facilitation of Learning, which was awarded to campus based academic staff member Alicia Botha.
“Alicia is always willing to go above and beyond, getting things done with enthusiasm and passion. She is much loved and respected by her students, many of whom have made special mention of her ability to make them feel cared for, to engage their minds and to inspire them to always stand up for what is right. We thank Alicia and all others who make the educational journey so memorable.
“It is with great joy that we congratulate all our graduates for achieving this great milestone. We also acknowledge the vital role played by all those who have supported them along the way, from their families and communities to their educators. It is a proud moment for our profession,” concluded Vermaak.