After more than two years of being unable to offer advertised feeding times due to Covid restrictions, the Two Oceans Aquarium is happy to announce that regular and announced feeding times for all three large exhibits have been reintroduced with immediate effect. These include the diver feeds in the I&J Ocean Exhibit, the Save Our Seas Foundation Shark Exhibit, the Kelp Forest Exhibit, as well as penguin feeds.
Save Our Seas Foundation Shark Exhibit:
This exhibit, the largest in the Aquarium with two million litres of water, houses large ragged-tooth sharks. These fascinating animals are fed on Saturdays at 12h00. This feeding time is always something spectacular to witness and a perfect opportunity to learn more about these incredible, yet misunderstood, animals.
I&J Ocean Exhibit:
This 1.6 million litre exhibit houses stingrays, musselcracker, grunter and shoals of other fish species. Diver feeds will again take place in this exhibit on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 12h00.
Kelp Forest Exhibit:
The Kelp Forest Exhibit at the Two Oceans Aquarium is one of a handful of kelp forests on display in the world. The exhibit holds 800 000 litres of water and giant kelp plants, as well as a myriad of fish – many of them endemic to South Africa. The Kelp Forest Exhibit is fed on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Sundays at 12h00.

Penguin Exhibit:
The Aquarium houses two colonies of penguins – African and rockhopper penguins. These charismatic birds are certainly some of the favourite animals in the Aquarium. They are fed daily at 11h30 and 14h30.

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