The End to the ‘New Year, New Me’ Trends

By Temo Mpodi

by Tia

The world has many trends, and one of them is the ‘new year, new me” trend. Which of the trends are you conforming to? Are you standing on solid ground with your old self, old beliefs, and values, or you are letting the wind of ‘New year, New me’ swirl you by…this is where it all ends for the majority- end of January.

It’s not always bad to be on the ‘new year, new me’ momentum, for most it’s a great way to restart and reboot everything that you have planned before that you never got to accomplish. To have your goals, your vision, and your values revisited, just to check if you are aligned, and if you are the person that you want to be. This trend is always attached to setting new goals, sometimes new values, sometimes new actions for yourself, and cutting out everything that you feel derails you from being that which you have set yourself to be. There is often great significance between decision and challenge, and we share how they interplay with the ‘New Year, New Me.’


We are all blessed with the freedom of choice, but we don’t always make the right choice. Deciding as an individual, what you feel and know is working for you is freeing. The liberation to make your own choices and lead your own life, at the beginning of the new year makes you feel like you are in control of things. Elevate your spirit and cause progressive growth in your mind by taking charge of this. You come to terms with realising that, you hold power and you really can make things happen. Not only are you setting yourself up for a win when doing this, you are challenging yourself.

Lean into making choices that will benefit you, and the people around you, because you not only live for yourself but people around you too. One great choice, a chain of good things come forth.


This is a time to do new things and turn a new leaf, so a challenge at the beginning of the year, is a good start. Challenge your perspective with this trend, and see a diverse view on a variety of things so that you don’t fall into the trap of everyday things, and sticking to routine. Routine gets boring and isn’t designed to exercise and test your emotional and psychological sphere, as challenges would do. This goes on to help you reflect on your past; what you have done and how you can better yourself.

The end of January doesn’t always mean the end to it all, a new you can arise a month later, two months, and even seven months later, so take your time and challenge yourself to make personal improvements, and make decisions that are life-serving. Don’t hesitate to share with us, how it goes if you attempt this trend.

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