African penguins are facing extinction. Fewer than 10 400 breeding pairs remain in the wild, and at their current rate of decline, they will be functionally extinct within 20 years.
To raise awareness of this issue and to show our love for African penguins, the Aquarium will be “waddling” to use our voices to speak up for these vulnerable birds.
Join us on a 3km “waddle” through the V&A Waterfront on African Penguin Awareness Day to show that we love and support these precious seabirds.
- Meet: 09h30 on Sat 8 October in front of the Aquarium
- Wear: Black and white clothing
- Bring: Positive vibes!
- Win: A Penguin Experience for 2 people (details here)
- No RSVP needed – sea you there!
Full blog: https://www.aquarium.co.za/blog/entry/march-of-the-penguin