by Tia

Affirmations are a drive that you need to get by on a daily basis. Even Oprah does affirmations, I mean, who doesn’t. we have shared a few affirmations in our newsletter. We are giving you more, pick one and make it your mantra.

I am totally in love with motherhood, it’s joy is giving me the glow I need.

I am a good mother.

I am raising a smart intelligent baby.

I am healthy, my child is healthy, and my home is healthy.

I am making wise choices and decisions for the livelihood of my home.

I am doing better and better each an everyday.

Life I good, being a mother is a blessing.

I am taking care of myself, and that is helping me take better care of everyone around me.

Motherhood chose me and found me fit for it.

My child/ children believe in me as a mother.

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