The crucial role of dentistry in enhancing female respiratory health

by Tia

For most people, a visit to the dentist might cause uneasiness, especially at the thought of drills, extractions and lengthy cleanings. But did you know that your dentist can make a significant impact on your overall health, including enhancing your sleep and breathing patterns?

Breathing is not just a daily necessity; it is the foundation of our wellbeing. Yet, most of us overlook the importance of proper respiratory function, especially how it impacts female health. 

Dr. Sheryl Smithies, a top aesthetic dental surgeon and facial aesthetic practitioner based in Cape Town, emphasises the crucial role of breathing well and the transformative impact of modern dentistry on respiratory health.

Proper breathing is fundamental to our overall health. It ensures that our bodies receive adequate oxygen for optimal cellular function and energy production. For women, in particular, maintaining good respiratory function supports hormone balance and reduces stress, which are crucial for overall wellbeing.

The Importance of Breathing Well to Live Well 

Breathing correctly is vital for ensuring that our bodies receive enough oxygen, essential for all cellular functions and energy production. When we don’t breathe deeply or correctly, we limit the amount of oxygen available in our bloodstream and the expulsion of toxic waste products. This can affect every aspect of our health, leading to fatigue, difficulty concentrating, and even chronic illnesses such as high blood pressure, heart disease, and diabetes. 

“For women, adequate oxygenation is crucial as it influences hormone balance, reducing stress hormones, and supporting overall health. Poor breathing can lead to a cascade of issues, starting with general fatigue and progressing to more severe health problems,” explains Dr. Sheryl. 

Breathing and the Maxilla

One significant, yet often overlooked, factor in breathing well is the structure of the jaw, particularly the maxilla or upper jaw. The shape and size of the maxilla can influence how well we breathe. A narrowed maxilla, often due to mouth breathing during growth, can restrict nasal passages and airways. This narrowing can force the lower jaw backward, reducing space for the tongue and potentially causing sleep-related breathing disorders like snoring or sleep apnoea.

How Dentistry Can Help

Modern dentistry provides solutions to enhance breathing by expanding the jaws, thereby widening the airway from nose to lungs. Orthodontic treatments, such as invisible aligner therapy, effectively widen dental arches, significantly improving airflow and overall respiratory function. In more severe cases, surgical interventions may be necessary to achieve optimal results.

“With advanced digital design technology, dentists can precisely plan treatments using 3D models and x-rays,” explains Dr. Smithies. “Clear aligners offer predictable outcomes with minimal invasiveness, providing a practical solution to improve breathing and enhance quality of life.”

By addressing underlying issues related to jaw structure and dental alignment, modern dentistry offers powerful tools for those looking to enhance their respiratory function and quality of life. Consulting with a knowledgeable dentist can be a transformative step toward better health. 

For more information on how dental care can support your health visit or follow Dr. Sheryl Smithies @sheryl_smiledr on Instagram and @sherylsmithiescpt for Facebook, she is also available on WhatsApp number +27 (0) 71 534 5859.

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