Rego & Dise: besties for life

by Media Xpose

Described as two peas in a pod, and having been together for 13 years, Modise and Regomoditswe Khoele, socially known as Rego and Dise, are known for their adventurous life. They have embarked on their most thrilling adventure yet – parenthood!

  1. What is the highlight of motherhood/fatherhood?

Rego: For me, it is being in awe of God’s creation through being pregnant, carrying a human being inside of me and birthing our son. I am captivated by our son’s beautiful features such as his eyes, hands, feet, smile, hair, gums, nose, ears, his tiny voice when he giggles and shouts- pretty much everything about him. Furthermore, I have been in awe of how my son and I have bonded from the womb until now during breastfeeding and downtime.

Dise: The highlight of fatherhood for me so far is finally having reached my childhood goal of being fruitful and multiplying as the Lord commanded us to do. In other words, starting my own family and the blessing of being in the position of greater leadership within our household has been the biggest high. I am in awe of the precious reality that our family’s legacy continues through our son.

  • What is most challenging about motherhood/fatherhood?

Rego: Managing my time to fit in work, me time, wifey time, and being a mother.

Dise: At this early stage of fatherhood, the greatest challenge for me is having to accept that my wife’s attention is divided between myself and my son. I need to be more patient, understanding and supportive in raising our son.

  • What is most surprising about this new chapter?

Rego: The most surprising thing is the amount of love I have for my son and the love I receive from him. I didn’t expect it to be so overwhelming.

Dise: For me, it has to be how parenthood unlocks a deeper sense of love and appreciation for your spouse. Seeing my wife take on a role (motherhood) she has never experienced before and doing all of it so brilliantly has been so humbling.

  • You are known for having a lifestyle of adventure, travel and faith. How do you see parenthood impacting your lifestyle?

When it comes to adventure and travel, we see parenthood unlocking a new level of enjoyment of that lifestyle and enhancing the experience as we intentionally create memories for our children to look back on. We now have a greater desire to be more adventurous and travel more often for our children’s sake.

On the ‘faith’ side of things, nothing has been impacted. We are continuing on our faith journey along with our son and ensuring that he witnesses us serving our church and community, reading our bible and praying with him. We desire to set the best example for him.

  • What advice would you give to expectant parents about managing changes that come along with having a new baby?  

Our advice would be that both parents need to be patient with themselves and with one another. They need to give grace to one another and understand that it’s a learning journey and that they need to adopt their own methods of raising their baby.

Furthermore, we would advise that they communicate more intentionally about how they are feeling, what ideas or suggestions they have and, most importantly, they must understand that there will be some sacrifices that need to be made and accept that life will not be the same. They need to be willing to adapt to change and embrace the new dynamic in their relationship.

  • Before giving birth to Kgosietsile, you had bravely shared a bit about having a miscarriage previously on your YouTube Channel. Could you share how this experience impacted each of you?

Rego: Having lost our first pregnancy made me feel guilty as though it was my fault for the loss. I had never experienced loss to this extent before and the reality of losing what could have been my own flesh and blood spiralled me into a form of depression.

Dise: I felt defeated, powerless and robbed. Seeing my wife in so much emotional pain really broke me. All that I could do was remind her and myself, that God’s promise for us to have children would come to pass someday. 

  • Many couples take a lot of strain when suffering a miscarriage. What helped you move forward as a couple?

Honestly, it was our faith in God and the community that we surrounded ourselves with. We constantly had people who love us reassure us of God’s wonderful plans to bless us with children and to not give up on trying to fall pregnant again.

  • When you fell pregnant with Kgosietsile, what were your initial thoughts?

Wow! Initially, we were in shock, then became excited but then the thought of our previous loss crept into our thoughts. Nevertheless, we quickly cancelled those negative thoughts and leaned on the promises of God, knowing for sure that this pregnancy was going to be successful.

  • What’s the significance of the name “Kgosietsile”?

The name “Kgosietsile” translated from seTswana to English, means “The king has arrived”. We had always hoped and prayed for a son as our first child and God made it happen. Looking deeper into the name, “Kgosi” which means “King”, speaks to the royalty that our son is to us his parents. We want him to understand that as a ‘King’ he is destined to be a great leader, to be confident and to be wealthy.

  1. What is the greatest lesson you want to impart to your son as he grows?

We want to teach Kgosi to keep the word of God close to his heart. Furthermore, to strive to reach his goals and to be resilient despite setbacks.

  1. Reflecting on your journey from high school acquaintances to lifelong partners, what are the key lessons you’ve learned about maintaining a strong relationship?

The key lessons we’ve learnt about maintaining a strong relationship are:

  • Be intentional about the trajectory of the relationship (i.e. What is the end goal of the relationship?)
  • Establish a genuine friendship as the foundation and bedrock of the relationship.
  • Be willing to compromise on some of your own desires, for the joy of your partner.
  • Be open to new experiences and adventure such as outdoor activities, travelling, date nights and meeting with other couples to learn and unlearn some habits.
  • Invest in your relationship. Study each other’s love language and ensure that you meet those expectations.
  • Last, but definitely not least, ensure that God is at the centre of your relationship. Pray for each other and serve God together.
  1. How has your relationship as a couple evolved since becoming parents?

It has honestly definitely changed, for the better that is. We have had to embrace this new dynamic of being parents. We have had to reintroduce ourselves to each other since we have never known each other as parents. We are constantly learning to be patient, kind and show grace upon grace for one another.

Overall, we are falling deeper in love with one another as we witness each other in our new roles as parents. It’s quite charming and attractive seeing each other parent our son.

  1. What would you say has been the most memorable moment on your relationship journey?

The most memorable moment was the birth of our son.

  1. You are both entrepreneurs, content creators, and Rego is also a commercial pilot. With such a busy lifestyle, how do you prioritise creating lasting memories while managing the responsibilities of work and family life?

We have such a burning desire to create lasting memories that we have mastered the art of integrating content creation into our lifestyle. This has helped us to create genuine content that resonates with our audience because we stay true to ourselves and do not portray a false image of ourselves. We work around Rego’s schedule and take advantage of the time when she is home and available.

Ultimately, our work-life balance is intact. 

  1. What can we expect next from the Khoeles?

You can expect more family travel content and perhaps a sibling for Kgosi.

Snapshot with Modise

  • Fave travel destination: Paris, France
  • Number of countries visited: 9
  • Fave activity: playing soccer.
  • Guilty pleasure: ice-cream
  • Must-have item: camera
  • Motto to live by: draw close to God, and then you’ll find your purpose in life.
  • Best experience: deciding to do life with my then girlfriend and now wife and mother to our precious son.
  • Craziest thing I have ever done: skydiving in Dubai.
  • Stranded on an island, I would… spend quality time talking to God and reciting all the scriptures I can remember. 

Snapshot with Rego

  • Fave travel destination: Paris, France
  • Number of countries visited: 16
  • Fave activity: dancing
  • Guilty pleasure: chocolate
  • Must-have item: lipstick
  • Motto to live by: God comes first.
  • Best experience: being pregnant and becoming a mother.
  • Craziest thing I have ever done: skydiving in Dubai.
  • Stranded on an island, I would… do my best to survive.

Social media handles:

  • Instagram – @regodise
  • YouTube – Rego & Dise
  • Facebook – @regodise
  • TikTok – @regodise

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